Category: Notes to Self

Notes on T-Bills and APY
Just a quick note on yields. We can purchase Short Term Treasury Bills. These are sold in weekly increments (4 week, 8 week, 26 week, 52 week). For a 4 week term, that is 28 days. A 365 day year can have 365/28 =13.03 periods per year. Each period provides a return amount. Here we show the math!
Read MoreNote: ElasticSearch, Kibana, FSCrawler on TrueNAS
When you finally realize that searching through decades of documents has become a challenge, it is time to acknowledge that you have reached a “big-data” stage. Now, you need some big data utilities to understand, index, search and find out where and what you’ve got. This process is a nightmare. Bits of instructions are scattered…
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Notes: Autostart VNC server on Debian/RPi
To share a desktop on a remote computer using a VNC server. This is done on a Raspberry Pi desktop. The Pi computer auto-starts and logs-into a default user. SSH is already enabled, since the computer is fully remote. If local access, this can be done at the PC. Start with a SSH connection into…
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