Category: Lab

Excel Automation – VBA to Help Make Surface-Plots
Imagine that you have a complicated excel spreadsheet that might have more than one variable and calculates a numerical output. And, you would like to make a surface plot of the result as the two variables change. Surface plots are useful for displaying complicated data that tend to change a function of 2 or more parameters.…
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Publication – Lowering the cost of cellulase
There is a new publication that was just accepted for print regarding the production of cellulase. This article is entitled “Nutrient control for stationary phase cellulase production in Trichoderma reesei Rut C-30″ and will appear in the journal Enzyme and Microbial Technology. Cellulase is normally produced by a fungus, Trichoderma ressei. Most of the time the cells continually grow…
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Calibration Data
A question that I seem to receive frequently: “Can you help me with the calibration?” So, you have a sample. And, there is some chemical in there (like glucose) and you want to know how much glucose is in the sample… maybe you have some idea, it should be less than something, right? Were do…
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