Category: Front Page
Posts for the Front Page
Chevy Volt – One+ Year of Data
Analysis of a 2014 Chevy Volt. The 2004 Impala didn’t quite look good parked in the lot next to the BMWs, Teslas, and Range Rovers… I changed jobs. No longer at a university, it was time to upgrade to a vehicle that had a higher reliability (newer) and didn’t have quite so many rusty spots. …
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2016 – Year End Economic Review
Data Log Everything… 2016 ended and we now review how the savings & spending went. Like any stereotypical older millennial, borderline traditionalist, that experienced an economic crash, we save as much as possible and try to spend in the most responsible method imaginable. This means not living on my own, avoiding a car loan payment…
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Fuel Tracking – 2016 – End of Year
Three months into winter up here in the North and the MPG takes a dive! All 2016 data is based on a highway commute averaging 2,468 ± 247 miles per month. This was done over the same stretch of highway, in the same 2004 V6 Impala LS, with the same driver, at about the same times each day.…
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3D Printing – Settings, Photos, Problems
With more than expected traffic on the 3D printer setup and instructions… a few comments that might help. PROBLEM: Leak in printer nozzle The printer nozzle initially leaked melted plastic through the threads and later broke when I tried to tighten it… (while it was hot). If you look at the last photo in the build instructions,…
Read MoreFuel Tracking – October 2016 – Chart
Winter reaches the North and we switch to winter blend gas.
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Trinket Pro Humidity and Temperature Sensor for Your Desk
So, I wanted to measure the temperature and humidity in my office. Typically, a simple hygrometer and thermometer could work. But, how do you log the information? Paper and pencil? What happens when I am away? So, in this project we wire up a small micro-controller, temperature and humidity sensor, screen, and a micro-SD card…
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