Category: Commodore 64

Restoring the Commodore 64 – Part 2
TLDR: Broken trace Under a ram chip, Bad Kernel Rom & oscillator IC, random jumper Dead Test Cartridge The dead test cartridge is exactly what it sounds like. You have a dead commodore 64 computer, plug in the cartridge, it runs a rom and program and tells you what the issue is. Remade versions of…
Read MoreNotes: Addressing 27C512 EPROM for C64
This tries to explain how to use newer 27C512 EPROMs used with the Commodore 64. The EPROM chips are programmed with at various memory locations. The one for this post holds up to 512 Kilobits of information (arranged in 64K x 8). The memory location are called out by using a 16 digit binary number.…
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Restoring a Commodore 64 – Part 1
Commodore 64 computers were the most popular and best selling computer – in the 1980s. Easy to setup, 8-bit processor, floppy drives, sound chips, games on cartridges, joysticks, a mouse, cassette tapes for cheap program storage, programming books, a graphical interface, modems, hard drives, etc. Before the 8088 PC took off, before Windows, and a…
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